Pisces as depicted by Bode and Hevelius

Pisces as depicted by Johann Bode

Pisces and Linum Piscium on Chart XI of Johann Bode’s Uranographia (1801). Bode labelled the individual fish Piscis Borealis and Piscis Australis.

Johann Bode’s version of Pisces in his Uranographia atlas, above, imagined a highly convoluted cord joining the two fish which he called Linum Piscium. Johannes Hevelius had previously gone even further on his own atlas (below) by dividing the line into a northern half, Linum Boreum, and a southern one, Linum Austrinum. Hevelius drew his constellations as though on a globe, so they are reversed by comparison with the way they appear in the sky.

Both Bode and Hevelius gave individual names to the northern and southern fish. On Bode’s atlas they were called Piscis Borealis and Piscis Australis, while Hevelius called them Piscis Boreus and Piscis Austrinus. The Ptolemaic constellation we know as Piscis Austrinus was called Piscis Notius by Bode and Hevelius. 

Pisces as depicted by Johannes Hevelius

Pisces joined by Linum Boreum and Linum Austrinum on Johannes Hevelius’s Firmamentum Sobiescianum atlas published in 1690. Hevelius named the individual fish Piscis Boreus and Piscis Austrinus. On Hevelius’s atlas the constellations are shown as though on a globe.

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