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From: Kevin Conde
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:01 AM
To: 'voyager@ufoworld.co.uk'
Subject: Rendlesham Forest Incident
Importance: High
Dear Mr. Easton:
I’m a retired USAF SMSgt. Last night
I had some time on my hands, and was surfing the net looking
for Web sites on airbases that I had served on during my USAF
career. One of those bases was RAF Bentwaters. I was amazed to
find a couple of Web sites describing a UFO incident at
Bentwaters during my tour. Shocked actually, when you consider
what I know about these so-called incidents! One of the web
sites had an article by you.
I was a Security Policeman at RAF
Bentwaters/Woodbridge from mid 1978 to mid 1981. I arrived at
Bentwaters as a SSgt, and departed as a TSgt. I was a law
enforcement specialist. While there I worked as a patrolman,
desk sergeant, assistant flight chief, flight chief, training
NCO, and QA evaluator.
During the time that of incident I will
recount occurred, 1st Lt. Bruce Englund was my Flight
Commander. He figures into one of the accounts you
investigated. I also remember a Lt Col who was a bit of a cop
buff, and used to ride along with the law enforcement patrols
on a regular basis. As I remember he was either the Vice Wing
Commander, or worked for the Wing Commander. He must be the Lt
Col Halt mentioned.
I can provide copies of my APRs
(Airman’s Performance Reports) if asked, to validate the
dates and positions in which I served at RAF Bentwaters.
Bentwaters was not a large base. An
incident such as described in some of the Web sites I found
could not have occurred with out the knowledge of a majority of
the base population. It certainly could not have happened with
out my knowledge – I was a cop on the base at the time!
Even if I were not directly involved, I would have known that something happened!
My wife is also a retired SMSgt, and she
also remembers no such incident at RAF Bentwaters.
That does not mean that there were no UFO
incidents at RAF Bentwaters. There were two that I was
personally involved in.
Both incidents occurred on the back gate of
Woodbridge. This gate was open during the day, and for brief
periods during the night for shift change. Woodbridge was
mostly housing, and we would open the gate during shift change
so folks could come and go between home and job during shift
The gate sits out at the end of the runway
at Woodbridge. It is isolated, dark, surrounded by woods, and a
little lonely.
One night the guard on the gate saw
something in the air off the end of the runway. I don’t
remember the guard’s name. He was young, new at the time,
and as I remember he can be best described as skinny, goofy,
and more than a little bit gullible.
I was the Law Enforcement patrol on
Woodbridge, and was sent out to check into what he saw. What I
saw was a bright object floating on the horizon off the end of
the Woodbridge runway. As best as I can remember that would be
to the Southeast. The object appeared to be flashing
red-green-white. The object just seemed to float there.
At first I thought it was an aircraft on
final approach, as it was in the direction that landing
aircraft would come from. We called into the desk and had them
check with base operations. Base operations told us that there
were no aircraft on final, and no aircraft on radar. We
continued to puzzle over it until a pilot driving through the
gate stopped and told us that what we were looking at was the
planet Mars.
The pilot was an amateur astronomer. At the
time we were amused and a little embarrassed. I have also
dabbled in amateur astronomy in the last few years, and am
absolutely positive that what I saw that night was Mars. The
flashing we saw was caused by atmospheric interference between
us and what we were looking at. This is same effect that causes
stars to appear to twinkle. As for the colors, there’s a
reason they call Mars the red planet. On many a clear night I
have seen the same twinkling red object, both with the naked
eye and my Meade ETX telescope.
So much for the first incident.
Cops have a tendency towards practical
jokes. Practical jokes are a tradition in the Security Police
that at times approaches the status of high art.
I few nights after the Mars Incident I
pulled a rather good one on the same gate guard. It was during
an exercise, so I was not alone, as was normal for the
Woodbridge Law Enforcement patrol. As I remember there were
three of us.
Like I said, the back gate at Woodbridge is
out all by itself at the end of the runway. Just before you got
to the gate there were a couple of revetments surrounded by
high dirt berms. These berms would hide anything in them from
the gate guard’s view.
It was dark, and a little foggy. I shut off
my headlights and drove my patrol car into one of those
revetments. We stuck several military issue flashlights out of
the windows, pointing upwards. We simply pointed the
flashlights upwards and rolled up the windows to hold them in
position. These military flashlights come with several
different color lenses in a screw on compartment on the end of
the light. These lenses come in red, amber, blue, green and a
white opaque color. Most of us carried spare flashlights with
us, so we could stick several flashlights out the windows with
different colored lenses.
Leaving my headlights off I turned on the
overheads lights, which on American cop cars are red and blue.
We then proceeded to drive the car in slow circles while making
weird noises over the PA system. Remember, there was a light
fog, which was the key to the joke's success, as each light
appeared in the fog as a moving beam of light.
The kid on the gate freaked. The response
to his call for help was quite gratifying. Since I was the
patrolman on Woodbridge at the time, I was detailed to respond
to the gate guard’s call. We just shut off the lights,
and waited a little while to make the kid think we were coming
from the main part of Woodbridge before rolling up to the gate
to see what was wrong.
This was one of the more successful and
hysterical practical jokes I participated in during my eleven
years as a cop. One thing; I frankly don't remember if we ever
told the guy what really happened.
I had no idea this little prank had blown
up to this magnitude, and it is logical to assume that this
joke was the seed that started the whole thing.
This happened more than 20 years a go, and
the more I think of it the more details I remember. For one
thing, the original incident might have gone one for a couple
of days. In other words, the mysterious flashing light might
have been visible for a couple of days before it was identified
as Mars.
For another, I although I remember pulling
the stunt, it was one of my better ones, so it sticks in my
memory, I don’t remember exactly how much trouble my UFO
actually caused. In those days the USAF had two different AFSCs
(Air Force Specialty Codes) in the Security Police, Law
Enforcement (812X0) and Security (811X0). The Law Enforcement
and Security functions were in the same squadron, but operated
pretty much independently. Law Enforcement had an LE Desk on
one part of the base, while Security had two CSCs (Central
Security Control), one on Bentwaters, and one on Woodbridge.
Law Enforcement and Security used separate
radio frequencies, although all our radios had the ability to
switch between all LE and Security radios. It is entirely
possible that Security sent an SRT (Security Response Team) out
to check on my UFO.
Of the three names mentioned, Burroughs,
Cabansag and Penniston, only Cabansag is remotely familiar to
me. This would be understandable if they were security troops,
as I was not familiar with many of the lower ranking security
folks, and I’m terrible with names anyway. The fact that
one of these guys was armed with an M-16 is further indication
that he was security, as Law Enforcement was armed only with
.38 caliber revolvers.
One thing is certain. I was stationed at
RAF Bentwaters at the time, and in a position to know any and
all weird incidents that may have occurred.
The only UFO incidents that occurred during
my tour were ones I participated in. The only alien that landed
was Mrs. Conde’s little boy Kevin.
This is the truth, the details are the best
I can remember after more than 20 years, and I'll take a
polygraph on that.
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